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Retaediamrem's avatar

Rainbow is a non-original title



I'm so proud of the result, I spent all the afternoon on this work and I finally succeeded :excited:.
I used this great tutorial [link], and although I had some difficulty in getting such a beautiful rainbow, I did it! I also had my syringe (thank you my step-brother who is bitten ass, haha :p​​) and it changed my life, it's much easier to get a nice drop. Oh, and I think, no, I'm sure I need a 100mm macro now. I like too many drops. I hope that you like it as much as me! :heart:

Oh my! More than 500 favorites, I did not expect it when I submitted this photo. I'm not used to having so many favorites in so little time, I thank you all. You're my heroes :rose:


[link] by :iconburstofcolours: [link] by :iconbrightenyoursmile: [link] by :iconlieveheersbeestje:

Image size
700x700px 362.8 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Retaediamrem
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stay-sick's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

This should make a colourful alternative to the favourites I currently have!

Your vision in this piece is evident in the time you took to craft this, from what you've said it sounds like you were meticulous in your preparation.What it shows me is how the simple can become the sublime; supported by the beautiful kaleidoscopic colours, you've done yourself proud!

I gave 3.5 stars for originality because, whilst this is lovely, water drops feature a lot in the macro section of DA. Nevertheless, you have created a nice arrangement of colours that I, personally, have not seen done for a while - a progression of oranges and reds to the cool blues, from right to left.

I thought you captured the bubble very nicely, but I'm dubious about the out-of-focus foreground. Perhaps next time, you could revise the depth of field in such a way that all the foreground is in focus rather than just the drop? And I would be curious to know what length lens you used for this, because a 100mm might not be necessary unless you're going in very close to your subject.

Finally, 5 stars for impact without any doubt. The crisp water drop splashed with literally a rainbow of colours evokes lovely warm feelings in me; this is an aesthetically stunning piece.